Submitted by cahyono Author’s Name Dada Daneshananda Project website…/index.htm Document version 1 Document software .doc Project director name: Sanskrit...
Introduction to the work in Burkina Faso Connecting Deou’s 28,000 Inhabitants to Medical Care Since 1986, AMURT has held a...
Submitted by cahyono Author’s Name Dada Daneshananda Project website…clinic.htm Document version 1 Document software .doc Project director name: Sanskrit...
We are working on the health education as best as we can. Olivia, a volunteer nurse from San Diego came...
In the summer of 2011, the UN identified severe drought in the Horn of Africa. Affected countries in this East African region include Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan. Considered the worst in 60 years, the drought caused a severe food crisis across the region, affecting close to 10 million people.
Villages in Ghana receive running water for the first time through AMURT’s community owned water project. The...
With almost half of its population living with less than USD 1 per day and a literacy rate of only 21.8%, Burkina Faso is one of the world's poorest and least developed countries. It ranks 134th of 137 according to the World Bank/United Nations Human Development Index.
As part of the mid-term review, between June 21 and July 30, 2010, AMURT performed a client satisfaction survey of both AMURT’s OVC and HBC programs with the assistance of AMURT M&E Manager, and AMURT Kenya’s two NPI advisors Kennedy Ongeko and Hesbor.
The second session of Kekeli training got under way last week. We had 13 women the first day and 15...
Submitted by cahyono Author’s Name Dada Dayashiilananda Avt Document version 1.0 Document software doc Project director name: Sanskrit / Legal...