The Wasichana Wote Wasome (WWW) project has the goal to improve school enrolment, retention, attendance and learning outcomes of girls in school throughout Kenya. The project, funded by the UK government, consists of a consortium of five organizations, with AMURT being the lead implementing partner in Samburu and Mombasa Counties.
Kenya has long been a venue for many of AMURT's service projects over the years, but new challenges continue to affect millions of residents. Education, healthcare, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, job creation, and care for orphans and vulnerable children have all been areas of emphasis and continue to be a large part of AMURT's presence in Kenya.
AMURT is establishing a number of regional hubs in Kenya that will serve as engines of development into the foreseeable future. These development centers reflect AMURT’s commitment to long-term dialogue and action with local communities to support their efforts to improve life.
The goal of the AMURT’s Kenya Integrated HIV & AIDS Program (KIHAP) was to prevent the transmission of HIV and AIDS, and to bring sustainable services to those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS in nine locations within three Kenyan provinces (Nyanza, Central and Coast).