The AMURT & AMURTEL teams in Turkey are providing psychological first aid courses, restocking medical clinics and delivering pinpointed non-food supplies like tents, blankets, clothes, hygiene items, and toys.
Apart from goods received from abroad, the teams are able to procure most items locally at favourable prices, so donating funds is the best way to support the teams.
AMURT has been active in Lebanon since 2012 supporting Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese host communities. Since 2015 the focus has been creating a pathway to education, providing psycho-social support and giving youth a chance for self-expression and supporting their struggle for livelihoods.
2 Year Snapshot Child Friendly Spaces model for kids out of school School support for 600 children 3,000 refugees kept...
Since September 20th 2012 AMURT has run case management services for Syrian refugees in the Chouf district of Lebanon. Through house visits and interviews, AMURT has so far identified 355 Syrian refugee families in 23 locations who are urgently in need of assistance. Most of these families are in apartments, often staying in clusters of families or with host families. Of these, 294 different families had by December 2012 received assistance in the form of food, school fees, clothes, bedding or medicine; some receiving several of these services.
Bring critically needed support to the survivors of the Beirut blast now! The AMURT Lebanon team is already on the ground, immersed in intensive relief work and urgently needs your help!
AMURT has been active in Lebanon since 2012 supporting Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese host communities. Since 2015 the focus has been creating a pathway to education, providing psycho-social support and giving youth a chance for self-expression and supporting their struggle for livelihoods.
1 Year Snapshot School support for 550 kids 3,000 refugees kept warm 15,000 refugees given food Facilitated 1,000 families’ refugee...
The Syrian crisis has led to a large number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and refugees. At the end of...