AMURT has started teacher training in Nepal to assist public school teachers to welcome back students that had been out of school since the earthquakes. The training consist of four days with two days reserved for theory and exercises and two days of practical coaching with the students back in school. The training draws on multiple resources such as creative therapies, yoga and group therapies. As most schools were damaged or destroyed AMURT builds Temporary Learning Centers that starts with the students decorating their classrooms. (click on photos to enlarge)

AMURT & AMURTEL have been active on the Indian sub-continent since 1970, and therefore have a strong presence in the region. Hence AMURT teams were able to mobilize quickly, with three teams from India joining their counterparts in Nepal to set up relief camps in nine earthquake-affected districts.
AMURT & AMURTEL volunteers provide basic supplies, such as essential groceries, tarpaulins and blankets, along with medical support through mobile clinics. In the first month after the earthquakes AMURT & AMURTEL has distributed food parcels to 15,300 persons, tarpaulins to 2,088 persons and 7,500 people have been treated by our medical volunteers.
You can help by donating to the Nepal Earthquake Relief effort here or use the donation button below:
The Nepali Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed a total of 488,789 houses destroyed and 267,477 damaged during the two earthquake period of April and May 2015. The death toll stand at 8,219 people and half a million buildings damaged or destroyed. In the most affected districts up to 80 % of the public schools are damaged or destroyed leaving most children out of school.. United Nations estimate 3 million people are in need of food aid.
Normalcy is essential for children who survived an earthquake. To deny them access to education and psycho-social support would disadvantage them for the rest of their life. In order to re-establish a resemblance of normal life and enable children to return to school, AMURT has taken up a recovery program that seeks to continue the initial disaster relief by offering support to school children, their schools and teachers.
Please continue to extend your generosity to people facing the shock of a life overturned by the potent forces of nature.