Cyclone Idai crashed into Mozambique on March 14, causing catastrophic flooding which has killed more than 500 people in the country and affected over 1 million survivors. Since then, an AMURT team has been working in partnership with the Rizwan Adatia Foundation and WF Aid to distribute basic supplies to the survivors.
Initially, AMURT volunteers focused on Beira, assisting cyclone victims housed in schools and hospitals. In the past two weeks, AMURT has been supporting people living in accommodation camps and isolated villages within a 100 kilometer radius of Beira.
AMURT’s relief kits consist of basic food supplies, a plastic bucket and bath soap.
In addition to distributing relief kits, AMURT will provide communities with latrine slabs as part of its water, sanitation and hygiene program. Prevention of open defecation is one important step in helping prevent disease.
AMURT will continue its support for cyclone survivors into the foreseeable future.





