Jamalabad Flood Relief Camp which started on 8th August has been closed on 21st

Highlights of the flood relief at Jamalabad, Muzaffarpur, Bihar.

Subject: Jamalabad Flood Relief Camp which started on 8th August has been closed on 21st September after Clothes distribution and Akhanda Kiirtana and Tattva Sabha’

Highlights of the flood relief at Jamalabad, Muzaffarpur, Bihar.

1. 5000 persons out of 10,000 population of Jamalabad Panchayata were fed once a day for ten days
2. 2200 cattle were vaccinated in collaboration with IFAW and Green Power India. Dr. TK Yadav was the chief veterinary doctor. Dr. Yadav has recently returned from UK after a long chequered career of 40 years.
3. Medical service was rendered to the villagers by Dr. Chandreshvara
4. 4000 persons were distributed clothes
5. Nearly 50 persons were initiated in the Panchayata
6. 1000 family were provided with water purifying drugs
7. Akhanda Kiirtan was performed daily and finally the camp closed with Akhanda Kiirtana and tattva sabha

In His service

A’c. Kishan Sood