HAITI: September 2008 summary, Gonaives Relief

Submitted by support
Author’s Name
Amber Lynn Munger
Project website www.amurthaiti.org
Project location: Village, Sub-district, District, Province, Country Gonaives, Haiti
Project type: Disaster Relief/ Development Project Rapid Response Disaster Relief
Project needs currently: human, in-kind, cash cash
Project support sources WFP, private donations
Project photos location http://resources.amurt.net/index.php?name=coppermine&cat=14
Project director’s contact: email and tel number(s) amurthaiti@amurt.net
Document large ver. in FTP? No
Project Sector: Education / Sanitation etc. Food
Project starting date 08/09/05
Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:11 am
AMURT & AMURTEL’s rapid response team based in the worst hit town of Gonaives currently distribute food to over a third of the city’s most vulnerable. Each family receive food for two weeks. We work with community leaders and small associations to determi