Home Disasters & Projects North and Central America Haiti Haiti 2008 storms Haiti 2008 stormsHAITI 2008 Storms – Gonaive Food Distribution Delivery team poses during helicopter food delivery in NW Haiti A fleet of 8 trucks deliver 50 tons of food for one days distribution It takes about an hour to offload and count 50 tons of food that will feed 2000 families for two weeks. UN peace keepers from Peru make sure the distribution is orderly and diciplined Each family get 5 kilo pulse, 1.7 l oil and 25 kilo rice Women exit the point of distribution with their 30 kilos of food stock. Each shipment is verified by the World Food Program and AMURT staff early in the morning before distribution Recipients get their food coupon the day before. Many opt to stand in line up to six hours before the distribution starts. Once the distribution starts the UN peace keepers keep order. The General Carlos Alberto Santos Cruz has come to the National School in Bigot, Gonaives, where AMURT/EL is distributing food to the most in-need families at this period of emergency. The Commander of UN soldiers talked with our volunteers about the challenges of the reconstruction operations. This day 2,000 families were bene(edited)d The food is distributed though three stations: beans, oil and rice UN peace keepers from Peru provide essential security for the distribution. AMURT coordinators give recipient a helping hand in loading the 25 kilo rice sack every family receives October 2, 2008. This day 2,000 families were benefited. Almost 50 tons of food were distributed Picture taken: Sept 2008. More and more people come for food. Location: Gonaive, Haiti Assisting with picking up large food bags Assessing food distribution program Women leaving with bags of food Food awaiting distribution Haitians leaving the compound with bags of food People are waiting for the start of the distribution AMURT and UN soldiers regulating distribution Bags of food awaiting distribution A line of more than 1300 people waiting for food Food distribution in Gonaives Heaving out mud and debris out of school One of the schools in the work for food program scheduled for a complete cleanup Food for work program in schools Food for work cleanup at a school in Gonaives Food distribution with the help of Peruvian UN battalion First food distribution in Gonaives Second food distribution in Gonaives First water distribution after hurricane disaster The food shortage is revealed even just by the desparation with which dock workers fight for each last grain of rice spilled after the loading of the food.